Home    Number 3, 2016

Review of Mifologiia sibirskikh tatar v simvolakh obrazov i veshchei (opyty prochteniia) [The Mythology of Siberian Tatars in Symbols of Images and Things (Attempts at Interpretation)], by Y.I. Ozheredov, M.A. Korusenko, A.A. Yarzutkina. St. Petersburg, 2013

Type of publication: Book Review

About author(s)

Nikolai Tomilov | n.a.tomilov@gmail.com | Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia)


Tomilov, N.A. 2016. Review of Mifologiia sibirskikh tatar v simvolakh obrazov i veshchei (opyty prochteniia) [The Mythology of Siberian Tatars in Symbols of Images and Things (Attempts at Interpretation)], by Y.I. Ozheredov, M.A. Korusenko, A.A. Yarzutkina. St. Petersburg, 2013. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 183-186

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