Ekspeditsiia D.K. Zelenina na Altai v 1927 g.
[An Expedition of D.K. Zelenin to Altai in 1927]
Type of publication: Research Article
About author(s)
Aleksei Malinov | v.malinov@gmail.com | St. Petersburg State University
kocho-kan rite, kumandins, altai, d.k. zelenin, shamanism
The article examines a work by the prominent Russian ethnographer D.K. Zelenin, An Erotic Rite in Sacrifices of the Altai Turks (1928), and enquires into research that went into its preparation after Zelenin’s field trip to Altai in 1927. Drawing on archival data including Zelenin’s paper drafts and notebooks, the author attempts to trace the circumstances of the ethnographer’s field research. He further introduces unique materials, such as field reports on the Kumandin people by A.M. Sukhotin (1929), which cast a comparative perspective on the work conducted by Zelenin and make a general contribution to the field of Siberian ethnographic studies.
Funding Information
This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Science Foundation, grant no 14-18-00192
Malinov, A.V. 2016. Ekspeditsiia D.K. Zelenina na Altai v 1927 g. [An Expedition of D.K. Zelenin to Altai in 1927]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 57-70
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