Voennaia meditsina narodov Severnogo Kavkaza v pervoi polovine XIX v.
[Wartime Medicine among the North Caucasus Peoples in the First Half of the 19th Century]
Type of publication: Research Article
About author(s)
Sergei Manyshev | msergey1990@gmail.com | Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences
history of medicine, north caucasus, caucasian war, nikolai pirogov
The article draws on an array of sources to examine the development of wartime medicine among the North Caucasus peoples in the first half of the 19th century. The author traces the ways in which medical knowledge was spread in the region. He describes folk healers which were popular and respected not just among the locals but also among soldiers and officers of the Caucasus Army. He further argues about the substantial degree of interpenetration of the medical knowledge gained by the North Caucasus peoples, and the Russian healthcare system. The article sheds light on the techniques of healing that were characteristic of the folk medicine in the region at the time.
Manyshev, S.B. 2016. Voennaia meditsina narodov Severnogo Kavkaza v pervoi polovine XIX v. [Wartime Medicine among the North Caucasus Peoples in the First Half of the 19th Century]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 116-129
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