Home    Number 6, 2015

Svoi/chuzhoi: migranty iz Izbekistana v uzbekskikh siolakh Yuzhnogo Kazakhstana

[Us/Others: Migrants from Uzbekistan in Uzbek Villages of South Kazakhstan]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Serik Dzhunusbaev | serik_1971_10@mail.ru | M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Igor' Savin | savigsa@inbox.ru | M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences


identity, diaspora policies in uzbekistan and kazakhstan, uzbek, distinction practices


The article examines the factors influencing the attitude of South Kazakhstan’s Uzbek toward labor migrants arriving from Uzbekistan. The authors point attention to the part that socialization conditions play in generating various patterns of perceiving “Others” by creating certain expectations and attitudes among the population group that receives the migrants. The perception of migrants is influenced by various facets of identity of the Uzbek of South Kazakhstan, which may be determined either by age or social status.


Dzhunusbaev, S., Savin, I. 2015. Svoi/chuzhoi: migranty iz Izbekistana v uzbekskikh siolakh Yuzhnogo Kazakhstana [Us/Others: Migrants from Uzbekistan in Uzbek Villages of South Kazakhstan]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 55-67

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