Prazdnik peki u indeitsev waura
[The Pequi Celebrationamong the Wauja Indians]
Type of publication: Research Article
About author(s)
Andrei Matusovskiy |,
brazilian indians, amazonian indians, xingu indians, wauja (waura) indians, pequi celebration
Drawing on the author’s field research conducted in 2013, the article discusses ritual practices of the Wauja (Waura) Indians of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The traditional seasonal celebration ofpequi among the Wauja, which is held during the period (October-November) of ripening of the fruit of Caryocar Brasiliens, or pequi tree, is a ceremonial cycle whose symbolic significance is closely linked to the mythological notions of the people. The author examines the structure and dynamics of the pequi celebration.
Matusovskiy, A.A. 2015. Prazdnik peki u indeitsev waura [The Pequi Celebrationamong the Wauja Indians]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 92-101
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