Home    Number 3, 2015

Popytka postroeniia stadial’noi modeli mezhkul’turnogo zaimstvovaniia i vnutrikul’turnogo rasprostraneniia tekhnologicheskikh innovatsii (na primere kochevykh i polukochevykh nentsev Tazovskoi tundry)

[An Attempt at Constructing a Stadial Model of Intercultural Borrowing and Intracultural Dissemination of Technological Innovations (the Case of Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Nentsy of Tazovskaia Tundra)]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Kirill Istomin | kistomin@naver.com | Institute of Language, Literature and History, Komi Science Centre, Ural of the Russian Academy of Sciences


technological innovation, intercultural borrowing, technoeconomic determinism, sociocultural causation, spatial orientation, nomadic herding, reindeer herding, nenets, northwestern siberia, navigation systems, gps, nentsy


The process of borrowing and dissemination of technological innovations in traditional cultures has been mostly examined in anthropology from two alternative standpoints: that of technoeconomic determinism favoring economic factors; and that of sociocultural causation taking cultural and social factors as bases for explanation. Deficiencies of both standpoints, as well as the necessity of integrating both into a more comprehensive explanatory model, have been long felt. Yet a model of the kind has not been elaborated to date. The article is an attempt at delineating possible ways for constructing such a model by taking the case of dissemination of GPS devices among the Nentsy of Tazovskaia tundra. The author breaks the process of borrowing and dissemination of innovations down into several stages where each is marked by a set of particular economic or social-cultural factors


Istomin, K.V. 2015. Popytka postroeniia stadial’noi modeli mezhkul’turnogo zaimstvovaniia i vnutrikul’turnogo rasprostraneniia tekhnologicheskikh innovatsii (na primere kochevykh i polukochevykh nentsev Tazovskoi tundry) [An Attempt at Constructing a Stadial Model of Intercultural Borrowing and Intracultural Dissemination of Technological Innovations (the Case of Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Nentsy of Tazovskaia Tundra)]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 41-59

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