Home    Number 1, 2015

A Survey of Etnicheskaia politika v stranakh Baltii, ed. by V.V. Poleshchuk and V.V. Stepanov. Moscow: Nauka, 2013

Type of publication: Survey

About author(s)

Klara Hallik | klara.hallik@gmail.com | Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography RAS

Iurii Petrovich Shabaev | yupshabaev@mail.ru | Institut iazyka, literatury i istorii Komi NTs UrO RAN

Ada Regelmann | a.regelmann@qub.ac.uk | Queen’s University Belfast

Jeremy Lamoreaux | lamoreauxj@byui.edu | Brigham Young University-Idaho

Bill Bowring | b.bowring@bbk.ac.uk | Birkbeck College, University of London

Vadim Vladimirovich Poleshchuk | vadim@lichr.ee | Mag. Iur. | Legal Information Centre for Human Rights (LICHR) in Tallinn, Estonia


Hallik, K., Shabaev, Y.P., Regelmann, A., Lamoreaux, J.W., Bowring, B., Poleshchuk, V.V. 2015. A Survey of Etnicheskaia politika v stranakh Baltii, ed. by V.V. Poleshchuk and V.V. Stepanov. Moscow: Nauka, 2013. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1: 153-174

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