Home    Number 1, 2015

Zhizn’ posle “Nashikh”: avtonomiia, loial’nost’ i iskrennost’ v molodiozhnom dvizhenii “Stal’”

[Life after Nashi: Autonomy, Loyalty, and Sincerity in the Stal’ Youth Movement]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Daria S. Krivonos | daria.krivonos@gmail.com | University of Helsinki, Higher School of Economics


youth activism, youth movements, educational camp seliger, patriotism, youth civic engagement, nashi movement


The article analyzes the relationship between the state and the youth, using the case of Stal’ youth movement. The research is based on the interviews with participants of the movement and ethnographic fieldwork at the annual educational camp Seliger and political rallies organized by the movement. The author argues that despite the movement’s loyalty to the state, young people actively redefine the normative understanding of patriotism, resist the marginal image of the movement and create personal strategies of justification of pro-governmental activism.


Krivonos, D.S. 2015.Zhizn’ posle “Nashikh”: avtonomiia, loial’nost’ i iskrennost’ v molodiozhnom dvizhenii “Stal’” [Life after Nashi: Autonomy, Loyalty, and Sincerity in the Stal’ Youth Movement]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1: 72-89

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