In Search of the World Tree: Some Thoughts on What, Where, and How We Search
[V poiskakh Mirovogo dreva: razmyshleniia o tom, chto, gde i kak my ishchem]
Type of publication: Comment
Submitted: 10.03.2019
Accepted: 04.04.2019
About author(s)
Dmitriy А. Funk | | | Lomonosov Moscow State University (GSP‑1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia)
(a comment to the article: Balalaeva, O.E., and N.V. Pluzhnikov. The Myth of the World Tree in the Shamanism of Siberian Peoples [Mif o Mirovom dreve v shamanstve narodov Sibiri])
Funding Information
This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, [№ 18-09-00744]
Funk, D.A. 2019. V poiskakh Mirovogo dreva: razmyshleniia o tom, chto, gde i kak my ishchem [In Search of the World Tree: Some Thoughts on What, Where, and How We Search]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 96-99.
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