Growing up as a Soviet Boy at the Handlebars of a Two-Wheeled Bicycle
[Vzroslenie mal’chika za rulem dvukhkolesnogo velosipeda (rekonstruktsiia vtoroi poloviny XX v. po sovremennym vospominaniiam)]
Type of publication: Research Article
Submitted: 08.02.2024
Accepted: 10.07.2024
About author(s)
Boris Kupriyanov | | | Moscow City University (4 Vtoroy Selskohoziajstvenny proezd, Moscow, 129226, Russia)
Pavel Smirnov | | | Kostroma State University (17/11 Dzerzhinskogo Str., Kostroma, 156005, Russia)
USSR, soviet childhood, anthropology of things, anthropology of growing up, exploration of space
In the second half of the twentieth century, a bicycle was an attribute of everyday life for most Soviet boys. In this regard, it becomes possible to use a retrospective of events related to cycling in reconstructing the process of growing up for this category of the population. Of interest are the spatiotemporal parameters of mobility, cultural practices of using this vehicle, and the adventures of young cyclists. The empirical part of the study consisted of materials obtained during expeditions in 2018–2020 in 11 cities of Russia (method of semi-structured narrative-oriented interviews), the respondents were 50 men born in 1949–1977. Memoirs and works of art were also used. Based on the analysis of sources, it was possible to determine the stages of growing up of Soviet boys who actively used bicycles in their everyday life, marked by the use of different models of bicycles and the gradual expansion of the developed territory.
Funding Information
Russian Science Foundation, [grant no. 23-28-00651]
Kupriyanov, B.V., and P.A. Smirnov. 2024. Vzroslenie mal’chika za rulem dvukhkolesnogo velosipeda (rekonstruktsiia vtoroi poloviny XX v. po sovremennym vospominaniiam) [Growing up as a Soviet Boy at the Handlebars of a Two-Wheeled Bicycle]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 229–248. EDN: VSQGKP
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