Home    Number 5, 2022

The Tulys Kis’ton Spring Commemorations of the Dead among the Eastern Udmurt: Modern Living of a Tradition

[Vesennie pominki tulys kis’ton zakamskikh udmurtov: sovremennoe bytovanie traditsii]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869541522050098


Type of publication: Research Article

Submitted: 10.03.2022

Accepted: 25.05.2022

About author(s)

Nikolai Anisimov | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6060-3562 | kyldysin@yandex.ru | Estonian Literary Museum (42 Vanemuise Str., 51003, Tartu, Estonia) | Udmurt Institute
of History, Language and Literature, Udmurt Federal Research Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (4 Lomonosova Str., 426004, Izhevsk, Russia)


Eastern Udmurts, ancestor cult, spring commemorations, commemorative ritual, communication with the dead, world of the dead


This article examines the Eastern Udmurts’ spring commemorations of the dead (tulys kis’ton, “spring pouring”), which are part of the spring ritual calendar cycle. It describes a ritual scenario with details of the participants’ behavioural stereotypes: preparation for meeting the souls of the dead, with the following “escorting”, visits to patrilinear kin’s houses, and visits to the cemetery on the day after the commemoration. This research is based on the fieldwork conducted by the author in 2019 in Udmurt villages (Urazgil’dy, Starokal’miyarovo and Petropavlovka) in the Tatyshly district of the Bashkortostan Republic. Special attention is paid to microlocal peculiarities. The article presents a range of novel materials and introduces new ritual terminologies in the attempt to describe the state of the tradition today.

Funding Information

This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Estonian Literary Museum [EKM 8-2/20/3]
Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies [CEES, TK-145]


Anisimov, N.V. 2022. Vesennie pominki tulys kis’ton zakamskikh udmurtov: sovremennoe bytovanie traditsii [The Tulys Kis’ton Spring Commemorations of the Dead among the Eastern Udmurt: Modern Living
of a Tradition]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 166–186. https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869541522050098 EDN: IBAQRQ

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