Home    Number 6, 2020

Models of Rural Life in Russian Ecovillages

[Modeli sel’skoi zhizni v rossiiskikh ekoposeleniiakh]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S086954150013119-0

Type of publication: Research Article

Submitted: 29.09.20

Accepted: 20.10.20

About author(s)

Julia Andreeva | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5704-4034 | Julia.o.andreeva@gmail.com | Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences (3 University Emb., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia)


ecovillage, rurality, kin’s domains, family homestead, nature, Anastasians, Ringing Cedars of Russia


Ecovillages appeared in Russia in the 1990s. This is the name of the villages whose residents are united by the ideology of environmentalism, healthy lifestyle, organic farming, and often by spiritual search. Almost all of them live in big cities. In Russia, the most popular version of ecovillages are “kin’s domains” described in Vladimir Megre’s book series on “Ringing Cedars of Russia”. Not only do they differ from each other, but their internal divisions not infrequently differ as well, because it is here that the different interests and goals of the residents converge. For some, ecovillage is a place for admiring nature and spending a summer vacation; for others, it is a farm; for others still, it is a platform for spiritual growth and creative realization; and there are those who see it as “kin’s place”. Drawn on the author’s own field research, the article takes the case of a single ecovillage to discuss different models of rural life.

Funding Information

This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, https://doi.org/10.13039/501100002261 [19-09-00381]


Andreeva, Ju.O. 2020. Models of Rural Life in Russian Ecovillages [Modeli sel’skoi zhizni v rossiiskikh ekoposeleniiakh]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 52–69. https://doi.org/10.31857/S086954150013119-0

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