Home    Number 4, 2018

“When I Was a Little Pike”: Ichthyofauna in Folklore and the Fishing Magic among the Athabaskan of the Arctic Drainage Area

[“Kogda ya byl malen’kim shchurionkom”: ikhtiofauna v fol’klore i rybatskaia magiia atapaskov Arkticheskogo basseina]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S086954150000196-5

Type of publication: Research Article

Submitted: 12.12.2017

Accepted: 18.05.2018

About author(s)

Nikita Shishelov | http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9849-8112 | nshishelov@rambler.ru | independent researcher | (Moscow, Russia)


Athabaskan, native fishery, fishery magic


The article examines the customs and taboos related to fish and fishing among the Athabaskan of the Arctic drainage area. It further discusses the question about the place that fish occupies in the traditional spiritual culture of the people. The research is drawn on an array of ethno-graphic data spanning the period from the eighteenth through the twenty first century.


Shishelov, N.S. 2018. “Kogda ya byl malen’kim shchurionkom”: ikhtiofauna v fol’klore i rybatskaia magiia atapaskov Arkticheskogo basseina [“When I Was a Little Pike”: Ichthyofauna in Folklore and the Fishing Magic among the Athabaskan of the Arctic Drainage Area]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4: 13-25. https://doi.org/10.31857/S086954150000196-5

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