Home    Number 1, 2017

“The Last of the Mohicans”: Cases of Extinction of Indigenous Peoples in North America

[“Poslednie iz Mogikan”: sluchai vymiraniia korennykh narodov v Severnoi Amerike]

Type of publication: Research Article

Submitted: 22.11.2015

Accepted: 01.07.2016

About author(s)

Igor Kuznetsov | http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6947-244X | igorkuznet@gmail.com | Kuban State University (149 Stavropolskaya St., Krasnodar, 350040, Russia)


Native Americans, Pamunkey, essentialism, extinction of peoples, anthropology


The problem of “extinction” of peoples still requires further theorizing. The most committed proponents of the constructivist approach tend to reduce it to the deconstruction of their own idea of the “myth of extinction”. Studying North American cases of the vanishing of pre-colonial ethnic-political units, as well as the subsequent renaissance of those as new reservation communities under certain conditions (e.g., the cases of Pamunkey and Mattaponi, Virginia) can significantly enrich the view of the issue that has been established in Russian ethnographic scholarship. The facts examined bring us to the need for such integrated theory that would combine a critique of the “extinction” discourse together with a parallel explication of the real historical process behind it.


Kuznetsov, I.V. 2017. “Poslednie iz Mogikan”: sluchai vymiraniia korennykh narodov v Severnoi Amerike [“The Last of the Mohicans”: Cases of Extinction of Indigenous Peoples in North America]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1: 150-167

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