Counselor, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Secretary, Division of History and Philology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Academician, RAS (2008); Corr. member, RAS (2003); Dr. Hist. (1979, Institute of General History, USSR Academy of Sciences); Cand. Hist. (1969, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute); History Faculty, Moscow State University (1964). Secretary, Division of History, USSR Academy of Sciences (1976–1981); Chair, Department of Ethnography of American Peoples, RAS (1981–1988); Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS (since 1989); Chairman of the State Committee for National Affairs (1992). Member of the Council of Russian State Scientific Foundation; member of the administrative board of the Russian Association of Ethnologists and Anthropologists; member of the Public Chamber; Chairman of the Committee for Tolerance and Freedom of Conscience. Scholarly interests: history, ethnology, and social anthropology of North America; history of anthropology; interethnic relations; ethnicity, nationalism, and conflict; ethnic policies.