Special Theme of the Issue
Economic Anthropology of Household Outside Metropolitan Areas in Contemporary Russia
(guest editor N.V. Ssorin-Chaikov)
Economics, Oikonomia, Domostroi: Introduction to the Anthropology of Household
[Ekonomika, oikonomiia, domostroi: zametki ob antropologii domokhoziaistva]
pp. 5–22
Substances of Relatedness and the Narrative Division of Labor in the Dacha Household
[Substantsii otnoshenii i narrativnoe razdelenie truda v dachnom domokhoziaistve]
pp. 23–40
Dividual in Zaimka, and Zaimka as Dividual: Ethnography of a Siberian Hut through the Prism of Female Absence
[Divid na zaimke, zaimka kak divid: etnografiia sibirskoi izbushki skvoz’ prizmu zhenskogo otsutstviia]
pp. 41–65
Family Business Governance: The Enterprise as a Household
[Semeinoe upravlenie biznesom: predpriiatie kak domokhoziaistvo]
pp. 66–80
Labor and Work in the Ethics of Contemporary Orthodoxy: Restoring a Peasant House, Monastery and Holy Russia
[Trud i rabota v etike sovremennogo pravoslaviia: vosstanovlenie krest’ianskogo doma, monastyria i Sviatoi Rusi]
pp. 81–96
Discussion: Historical Research on Festive Culture
Church Feast in the Olonets Region in the Early Modern Period: An Experience in Reconstruction Based on Archival Sources
[Tserkovnyi prazdnik v Olonetskom uezde v rannee novoe vremia: opyt rekonstruktsii po pis’mennym istochnikam]
pp. 97–126
Issues in Historical Research on the Culture of Traditional Folk Celebrations
[Problemy istoricheskogo izucheniia traditsionnoi prazdnichnoi kul’tury]
pp. 127–151
Discussion: Assemblage Theories in Empirical Analyses
Elements of Assemblage in Northern Informal Fisheries: Solidarity, Norms, Pink Salmon, Atlantic Salmon
[Elementy sborki severnoi neformal’noi rybalki: solidarnost’, normy, gorbusha, semga]
pp. 152–174
Northern Fishing and Manuel DeLanda’s Flat Ontology
[Severnaia rybalka i ploskaia ontologiia Manuelia Delanda]
pp. 175–199
Research Articles
Reconstruction of the Proto-Afrasian Cultural Vocabulary of the 11th–10th Millennia BCE: Terms for Watercraft and Metals (An Experience in Systematic Assessment of Available Etymologies and Reconstructions)
[Rekonstruktsiia praafraziiskoi kul’turnoi leksiki XI–X tys. do n.e.: terminy dlia plavuchikh sredstv i metallov (opyt sistemnoi otsenki predlozhennykh etimologii i rekonstruktsii)]
pp. 200–228
Growing up as a Soviet Boy at the Handlebars of a Two-Wheeled Bicycle
[Vzroslenie mal’chika za rulem dvukhkolesnogo velosipeda (rekonstruktsiia vtoroi poloviny XX v. po sovremennym vospominaniiam)]
pp. 229–248