Number 5, 2024

Special Theme of the Issue

Mountain Jews: Identity, Multilingualism, and History of Studying the Group

(guest editor S. N. Amosova)

Mountain Jews: From a History of Local Groups to the Transnational History

[Gorskie evrei: ot istorii lokal’nykh grupp k transnatsional’noi istorii]

pp. 5–9

Mountain Jews of the North Caucasus Area in the Condition of (Re)construction of the Group: 1920s – Early 1930s

[Gorskie evrei Severo-Kavkazskogo kraia v usloviiakh (pere)konstruirovaniia gruppy: 1920-e – nachalo 1930-kh godov]

pp. 10–28

On Local Groups of Mountain Jews of the Caucasus: The Case of g’ubonig’o – Dzhegonas Kuban Jews

[O lokal’nykh gruppakh gorskikh evreev Kavkaza: na primere g’ubonig’o – dzhegonasskikh gorskikh evreev]

pp. 29–47

The Derbent Community of Mountain Jews: On the Issue of Group’s Identity

[Gorsko-evreiskaia obshchina Derbenta: k probleme samoidentifikatsii]

pp. 48–67

On the Multilingualism of Mountain Jews of the Caucasus

[O mnogoiazychii u gorskikh evreev Kavkaza]

pp. 68–87

Ethnography of Mountain Jews Based on Materials from the 1994 Expedition

[Etnografiia gorskikh evreev po materialam ekspeditsii 1994 g.]

pp. 88–110

Migration Studies

Children’s Agency in Migration Strategies and Integration Scenarios

[Agentnost’ detei v migratsionnykh strategiiakh i stsenariiakh integratsii]

pp. 111–135

Students on the “Web”: Social Media as an Actor in Assembling “Network Spaces” of Educational Migrants in Irkutsk

[Studenty v “seti”: sotsial’nye media kak aktor sborki “setevykh prostranstv” obrazovatel’nykh migrantov v Irkutske]

pp. 136–156

Migrants Changing Themselves and Others: Translocality and Social Remittances – The Case of the Sivukh Rural Settlement

[Migranty meniaiushchiesia i meniaiushchie: translokal’nost’ i “sotsial’nye perevody” na primere dagestanskogo sela Sivukh]

pp. 157–176

History of the Discipline

The Fate of a Person and the Fate of a Book: Nikolai Schnakenburg and the Volume “The Soviet Eskimos”

[Sud’ba cheloveka i sud’ba knigi: Nikolai Schnakenburg i kniga “Eskimosy SSSR”]

pp. 177–199

Orientalism in the Narratives of Russian Travelers and Intelligence Officers on Peoples of the North-West Caucasus in the Second Half of the 19th Century

[Orientalizm v narrative rossiiskikh puteshestvennikov i voennykh razvedchikov o narodakh Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza vtoroi chetverti XIX v.]

pp. 200–217

Book Reviews and Critiques

Anthropological Traditions: An Italian View [Antropologicheskie traditsii: ital’ianskii vzgliad]: A Review of Histories of Anthropology, edited by G. D’Agostino and V. Matera

pp. 218–225

A Bitter Flavor of Italy [Gor’kii privkus Italii]: A Review of Amaro. Un gusto italiano [Bitter: An Italian Taste], by M. Montanari

pp. 226–231

Cult of Difference, Managed Pluralism, and Apartheid Nostalgia [Kul’t razlichiia, upravliaemyi pliuralizm i nostal’giia po aparteidu]: A Review of Politika razlichii. Kul’turnyi pliuralizm i identichnost’ [Politics of Difference: Cultural Pluralism and Identity], by V.S. Malakhov

pp. 232–237

Up the Staircase of Agency: Evolution Turned Revolution [Vverkh po stupeniam agentnosti: kogda evoliutsiia stanovitsia revoliutsiei]: A Review of The Evolution of Agency: Behavioral Organization from Lizards to Humans, by M. Tomasello

pp. 238–242