Number 2, 2024

Special Theme of the Issue

Domestic Ethnography and International Scholarship in the 20th Century: Contacts, Influences, and Confrontations

(guest editor S.S. Alymov)

A “Dialogue” between Russian and (Post/Anti)Boasian Anthropologies

[“Dialog” rossiiskoi antropologii s (post/anti)boasovskoi]

pp. 5–24

Parallels between the Development of the Culture-Area Concept and “Economic and Technical Areas” in the 1920s–1930s

[Paralleli v razvitii kontseptsii kul’turnykh arealov i khoziaistvenno-tekhnicheskikh arealov v 1920–1930-e gody]

pp. 25–45

Ethnohistory and Etnicheskaia Istoriia: Outer Similarities and Inner Differences

[Etnicheskaia istoriia i ethnohistory: vneshnie skhodstva i vnutrennie otlichiia]

pp. 46–67

Soviet Museum Ethnography at the VII International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnographic Sciences: Restoration and Conservation of Disciplinary Heritage under the “Gaze” of the West

[Sovetskaia muzeinaia etnografiia na VII Mezhdunarodnom kongresse antropologicheskikh i etnograficheskikh nauk: restavratsiia i konservatsiia distsiplinarnogo naslediia pod “vzgliadom” Zapada]

pp. 68–88

How Moscow Did Not Become a World Center of Marxist Anthropology: Historian L.V. Danilova, Theoretical Discussions of the 1960s, and International Contacts of Soviet Scholars

[Kak Moskva ne stala mirovym tsentrom marksistskoi antropologii: istorik L.V. Danilova, teoreticheskie diskussii 1960-kh godov i mezhdunarodnye kontakty sovetskikh uchenykh]

pp. 89–110

Visual Anthropology and Folk Art

A Cave with Rock Paintings in Cerro Ací (Colombia, Vaupes) as the Dwelling of the Master of Animals and Object of Ancient Rock Art

[Peshchera s naskal’nymi risunkami v Serro-Asi (Kolumbiia, Vaupes) – zhilishche Khoziaina zhivotnykh i malyi ob’ekt drevnei naskal’noi zhivopisi]

pp. 111–132

Images of Kamchatka in the Visual Archive of the Ethnographer Elizaveta Orlova

[Obrazy Kamchatki v vizual’nom arkhive etnografa Elizavety Orlovoi]

pp. 133–150

Revisiting the Published

Risk Factors of Self-Destructive Behaviors in the Context of Cultural Transformations

[Faktory riska samorazrushaiushchego povedeniia v kontekste kul’turnykh transformatsii]

pp. 151–168

Research Articles

German Conversations about Field Ethnography: A View from the Russian Tradition

[Nemetskie razgovory o polevoi etnografii: vzgliad iz rossiiskoi traditsii]

pp. 169–189

Legal Aspects of the Family Life of Chinese Women in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: Erosion of Patriarchate, Consequences of Modernization

[Pravovye aspekty semeinoi zhizni kitaianok v pervoi polovine XX v.: eroziia patriarkhal’nosti, posledstviia modernizatsii]

pp. 190–205

A Revered Place in the Rural Landscape: Whose Heritage? On the History of the Holy Spring in Altai

[Pochitaemoe mesto v sel’skom landshafte: Сh’io nasledie? K istorii sviatogo kliucha na Altae]

pp. 206–228

Reciprocity and Patron-Clientelism as Forms of an Institution of Mutual Assistance Network in Villages of the Republic of Tatarstan

[Retsiproknost’ i patron-klientizm kak formy instituta setevoi vzaimopomoshchi v selakh Respubliki Tatarstan]

pp. 229–246