Number 1, 2024


The Mystery of Herodotus’ Saspirs

[Taina gerodotovskikh saspirov]

pp. 5–22

Debating the Issue of Herodotus’ Saspirs

[Obsuzhdaia vopros o gerodotovskikh saspirakh]

pp. 23–59

Revisiting the Published

From “Vernacular Museums” to the “Do-It-Yourself Past”

[Ot “vernakuliarnykh” muzeev k “proshlomu svoimi rukami”]

pp. 60–76

Folk Christianity in Armenia

Lived Religion of the Devotees of Rural Surbs in Armenia

[Prozhivaemaia religiia pochitatelei sel’skikh surbov v Armenii]

pp. 77–92

Dream and Sanctuary in Traditional Armenian Christianity: Pilot Research Outcomes

[Son i sviatynia v armianskom narodnom khristianstve: predvaritel’nye rezul’taty issledovanii]

pp. 93–114

Research Articles

Ladies with Little Dogs: Attitudes towards Dogs in the 18th and 19th Century Russia

[Damy s sobachkami: otnoshenie k sobakam v Rossii v XVIII–XIX vv.]

pp. 115–132

Anthropological Photography of the 1920s – Early 1930s in the Context of the Development of National Territories by the Soviet Authorities

Antropologicheskaia fotografiia 1920-kh – nachala 1930-kh godov v kontekste osvoeniia sovetskoi vlast’iu natsional’nykh territorii

pp. 133–150

Jews of the Don in the 19th – Early 21st Century: Geodemographic Dynamics and Reproductive Processes in a Regional Community

Evrei Dona v XIX – nachale XXI v.: geodemograficheskaia dinamika i vosproizvodstvennye protsessy regional’noi obshchiny

pp. 151–179

The Influence of Central Asian Migration on the Islamic Space of Cities in the Urals (the Cases of Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, and Troitsk)

Vliianie tsentral’noaziatskoi migratsii na islamskoe prostranstvo ural’skogo goroda (na primere Cheliabinska, Magnitogorska i Troitska)

pp. 180–196

Paternal Care in Contemporary Society (A Comparison of Russia and Belarus)

Ottsovskaia zabota v sovremennom obshchestve (sravnenie Rossii i Belarusi)

pp. 197–225

Book Reviews and Critiques

Ethnographic Mirror in Regional Studies: Reflection of the “Large” in the “Small” [Etnograficheskoe otrazhenie v regional’nykh issledovaniiakh: proiavlenie “bol’shogo” v “malom”]: A Review of Severnaia Bengaliia: etnicheskii profil’ i etnograficheskaia kartina vostochno-prigimalaiskikh oblastei Indii [North Bengal: Ethnic Profile and Ethnographic Outlook: East Himalayan Regions of India], by S.I. Ryzhakova

pp. 226–229

Votives and Votive Practices – A Perspective on the Phenomenon [Votivy i votivnye praktiki – vzgliad na fenomen]: A Review of Voskovye nogi i zheleznye glaza. Votivnye praktiki so Srednevekov’ia do nashikh dnei [Wax Legs and Iron Eyes: Votive Practices from the Middle Ages to the Present Day], by M. Maizuls, S. Zotov, and D. Antonov

pp. 230–234

Soviet Vacation is a Getaway to Communism (a Medical Certificate is Necessary!) [Sovetskii otpusk – eto malen’koe puteshestvie v kommunizm (medspravka obiazatel’na!)]: A Review of SPAsibo partii. Otdykh, puteshestviia i sovetskaia mechta [Thanks to the Party: Vacation, Travel and the Soviet Dream], by D. Koenker

pp. 235–242