- Articles are published in the journal free of charge and wthout royalties.
- Upon publication, authors receive an electronic offprint (PDF) of their article from the publisher.
- Authors are not provided with a gratis (printed) copy of the journal issue containing their article. (This is due to the policies of journal distribution established by the publishers). Unfortunately, those who wish to obtain a printed copy of the needed journal issue can do so through subscription only. At present, the publishers do not distribute the journal in any other manner.
- All materials submitted to the journal pass first through the initial screening aimed at selecting the articles that correspond to the journal’s area of interests, thematical and disciplinary scope, as well as conform to the proper scholarly presentation genre and publication format. All the artciles that are accepted for consideration after the screening undergo the double blind peer review procedure adhering to the requirements stipulated by the Russian State Tenure Committee (VAK) and general standards of international peer reviewed academic journals.
- The reviewing procedure normally takes three to four weeks (occasionally, it may take longer due to the workload or schedules of reviewers; however, the editorial office makes every effort to expedite the procedure in every case).
- Depending on the results of the reviewing, the article may be approved for publication, declined, or the author may be advised to rework the text according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. If the author disagrees with some of the expressed comments or suggestions, s/he may submit a response with a proper explanation as to why s/he believes the reviewers’ judgment is not correct, objective or fair, or else why it would be preferable to leave this or that place or statement in the text as it stood in the author’s original version.
- In the case of conflicting opinions on the article provided by two reviewers, a third reviewer is asked to comment on the article or the final decision is made by the judgement of the editorial board.
- Articles that have been approved for publication are planned for one or another issue of the journal. (This is not necessarily the closest issue, for the volume of artciles approved and accepted exceeds the actual physical volume of the edition, so the planing is usually done for two or three issues ahead). Please be also aware that, on the publisher’s side, the preparation for the production is still rather lengthy, so it takes about five to six months for the article to come out since the moment it is initially forwarded to copyeditors.
- We kindly request that authors settle all questions pertaining to their texts during their correspondence with copyeditors. As usual, in the galleys sent out by the publisher for the final review and approval, no major amendments are allowed. Please make sure that it is clearly communicated between you and the copyeditor that such and such version of your article is to be considered the final draft that will be submitted to the publisher.